Deep Ancestry

Deep Ancestry is not traditional genealogy: it is not for tracing family or confirming family linkages. Deep Ancestry is a look at our ancient ancestral roots from tens of thousands of years ago and shows how all people living today are connected to an ancient ancestor who lived in Africa over 100,000 years ago.

Read here a quick overview of what Deep Ancestry means.

The Genographic Project is an ambitious attempt to answer fundamental questions about where we originated and how we came to populate the Earth
Map of the migration routes of mankind
The video : Human Family Tree
The book : Deep Ancestry by Spencer Wells
Family Tree DNA is National Geographic's DNA testing partner for their Geno 2.0 kit
Journey of mankind, an interactive trail
Articles and tutorial from the Genebase Learning Center
Information on genetic genealogy. Also Y-DNA test results can be stored and searched here [Dutch]
Site provides resources for people interested in genetic testing
mtDNA testing comparison chart